Plum tincture

Tincture Plum Sweet

1 kg of Hungarian, 1 l spirits, ¾ l of vodka 40 °, 80 dkg sugar, 0,5 g of citric acid, 1/3 l of water

Ripe, rinse the sweet Hungarian potatoes, dry with a linen cloth, cut into small pieces, taking out the stones, pour into the caterpillar. In a separate vessel, mix the spirit and vodka. Pour the solution into a gander with plums, Stopper, expose to sunlight for a period 2 Months, rotate every few days. After this time, filter the tincture through gauze into another vessel (Squeeze the plums through flannel or linen). Prepare the syrup: heat the water to 50-60 ° C, pour sugar, heat until boiling. Take off the foam, which will form on the surface, add citric acid, cook still through 10 Minutes (overall cooking time should not exceed 30 Minutes, otherwise the syrup will turn yellow). Pour the ready syrup into a three-liter gander. Pour the tincture into it, mix well by shaking, Stopper, set aside for 48 hours. Filter the finished tincture through gauze into half-liter bottles, cork and seal, and stick cards with the name of the tincture and the date of bottling on the bottles.

Store bottles in a dark and cool place at least 10 Months.


Dry plum tincture

1 kg reindeer globe, ¾ l of vodka 40 °, ¾ l of spirit, 20 dkg sugar

Ripe, healthy, Rinse quite hard green leaves, cut into particles, pour into the caterpillar, pour a mixture of vodka and spirit, Stopper, expose to sunlight for a period 4 Months. After this time, pour the tincture into another vessel. Cover the greenhouse with sugar, mix thoroughly shaking, set aside in a warm place until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the obtained liquid back into the tincture, Stopper, set aside for 4 Months. Filter the finished tincture through gauze (fruits squeeze through the canvas) for half-liter bottles, cork and seal, and on the bottles stick cards with the name of the tincture and the date of bottling. Store the tincture in a dark and cool place at least 4 Months. The tincture is suitable for all snacks, hot dishes and coffee; it should not be frozen, because it loses its aroma.



10 dkg of prunes, 1 l vodka 45°, 0,1 l spirits, 0,1 l of water, 10 dkg sugar, citric acid, 1 cm vanilla pods

Choosing, dried, Halve the unsmoked plums, remove the seeds, pour into the caterpillar, add five crushed seeds and vanilla, pour vodka, set aside in a warm place for a period of 3 Weeks. Mix syrup prepared from water and sugar (before it cools down) with spirit. Filter the vodka with gander and plums through a filter paper into a vessel with syrup and spirit, mix shaking, set aside for 48 hours. Pour the finished tincture into half-liter bottles, cork and seal, and on the bottles stick cards with the name of the tincture and the date of bottling.
Store the tincture in a dark and cool place for at least half a year. The tincture on plums is, next to the liqueur on cherries, the most popular home-made vodka.

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