Tincture From the Black Currants


1 kg of black currants, ¾ l of spirit, 3/4 l of vodka 40 °, 75 dkg sugar

Clean the ripe black currants from the stalks, rinse, pour into the caterpillar, pour vodka, and then spirit. The geese should be corked well and exposed to sunlight for a period of time 4 Months. After this time, pour the tincture into another vessel. Cover the currants with sugar, mix well by shaking, set aside in a warm place until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the obtained liquid into the ginger with tincture, Stopper, set aside for a period 4 Months. After this time, filter the tincture through gauze (Squeeze the fruit through a flannel or cloth) for half-liter bottles, cork and seal, and stick cards with the name and date of bottling on the bottles. Store the tincture in a dark and cool place at least 4 Months. This tincture has a specific character, dry taste; the longer it stands, the better.



1 kg of black currants, ¾ l of vodka 40 °, ¾ l of spirit, 20 dkg sugar

Clean the ripe black currants from the stalks, rinse, pour into the caterpillar, pour vodka, and then spirit. Cork the cork, expose to sunlight for Period 4 Months. After this time, pour the tincture into another vessel. Cover the currants with sugar, mix thoroughly shaking, set aside in a warm place until the sugar poured in is completely dissolved. Pour the tincture back into the gander, Stopper, set aside for a period 4 Months. Filter the finished tincture through a flannel or cloth into half-liter bottles, cork and seal, and on the bottles stick cards with the name of the tincture and the date of bottling.

Store the tincture in a dark and cool place at least 4 Months. Serve uncooled.

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