Cherry tincture

CHERRY tincture

Cherry tincture is a great addition to tea for autumn and winter, cool evenings. It has a great taste and a very original and unique aroma. Fresh tinctures should be used, healthy and highly ripe fruit. The best cherries, those will be collected at the turn of June and July.

Recipe 1

1 kg of cherries
1 liter of alcohol 70 %
the juice of one lemon
0,5 kg of sugar


We start with the preparation of the fruit. Wash the cherries, remove the tails and then drill(we remove the seeds). Place prepared in this way in a jar and pour alcohol over it.

We leave tightly closed in a warm place on 4 Weeks, once every few days by shaking the dish. After a month, pour the liquid into a separate vessel, add lemon juice and then leave it in a cool place.

Cover the cherries with sugar and leave them in a warm place for approx. 10 Days, until the sugar dissolves(shake the jar daily).

After this time, we decant the syrup and combine it with previously prepared alcohol. We set aside for a week.

The last stage we do with the tincture is filtering(it's best to use a coffee filter). After doing this, pour the tincture into the bottles and leave it in a dark and cool place. The cherry tincture should be aged at least 3 Months.


Recipe 2


1 kg of black cherries, 1 l spirits, 0,4 l of water, 50 dkg sugar

Very ripe, healthy, big, Remove the stalks of very sweet cherries, rinse, dry with a linen cloth, stone, pour into the caterpillar (be careful, so as not to waste precious juice). In a separate vessel, mix the spirit with boiled and cooled water. Pour the cherries in the gander with the obtained solution, Stopper, set aside for a period 10 days to warm, a darkened place. After this time, filter the tincture through gauze into another vessel. Cover the cherries with sugar, mix well by shaking the dish. Tie the goose with gauze, set aside to warm, shady place for a period 1 Week. Filter the resulting liquid through gauze, pour into a gander with tincture, Mix, set aside for 24 Hours. Pour the finished tincture into half-liter bottles, cork and seal, and stick cards with the name of the tincture and the date of bottling on the bottles. Store bottles in a dark and cool place at least 4 Months.

Recipe 3

CHERRY DRY liqueur

1 kg of cherries, ¾ l of vodka 40 °, ¾ l of spirit, 20 dkg sugar

Ripe, healthy, Remove the stalks from the white cherries, change, rinse, slightly crush, pour into the caterpillar (be careful, so as not to waste precious juice), pour a solution of vodka and spirit, Stopper, expose to sunlight for a period 4 Months. After this time, pour the tincture into another vessel. Cover the cherries with sugar, mix thoroughly shaking, put in a warm place until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the obtained liquid back into the tincture, Stopper, set aside for 4 Months. Filter the finished tincture through gauze (fruits squeeze through the canvas) for half-liter bottles, cork and seal, and stick on the bottles (cards with the name of the tincture and the date of bottling.

Store the tincture in a dark and cool place at least 4 Months. Dry tincture on white cherries is a high-quality vodka. Suitable for snacks, hot dishes and coffee; it should not be frozen, because it loses its aroma.


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