2 kg of black cherries, 1 kg of red currants and 1 kg malin (preferably forest) knead perfectly with a wooden spoon in a bowl or, what's better, grind with a roller in a makutra. When the grated fruit stands for 5–6 hours, squeeze out the juice, strain and weigh. How much juice will there be, so much to take by weight of good strong vodka and mix with juice. Add the same amount (like juice) mashed sugar (not a crystal), put on each liter of liquid 4 crushed bitter almonds, 1 cinnamon stick and 4 cloves. Tie the ridge tile with a wet bladder or cork it, and pour paraffin over the cork. Leave in the sun, shake the gander every day, to accelerate the dissolution of sugar. After 6 weeks, the tincture is ready. Then pour it into the bottles, cork and store like all tinctures. ,

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